Canadian Forests maple leaf

Universities & Colleges

A Directory of Canadian Universities and Colleges Offering Post-Secondary Education in Forestry and Forest Products Technology


University of Alberta - Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences

Department of Renewable Resources - The Department is home to the BSc programs in Environmental and Conservation Sciences, and Forestry as well as the Land Resources (Soil Science) major within the Agriculture program. Students taking Forestry may major in either Forest Management or Forest Resources.

School of Forest Science & Management - The School of Forestry highlights, guides and enhances the University of Alberta's commitment to education and research in the area of Forest Science & Management, by building and supporting effective local, provincial, national and international partnerships. We also work to ensure that the full benefits of sustainable forest management and innovative forest sector technologies accrue to Albertans.

Enhanced Forest Management Group at the University of Alberta provides opportunities for collaborative research in the development and testing of innovative forestry practices which link genetics, silviculture, protection, growth and yield, and management for enhancing wood production and other values (including watershed,

British Columbia

University of British Columbia

Faculty of Forestry - UBC’s forest education is keeping pace with changing social values and an increasingly knowledge-based forest sector. Today’s students not only learn about topics like the biology of trees, innovative wood products and forest engineering, they are taught about ecological and cultural issues related to the forest.

Choose one of the following Departments for more information: Forest Sciences, Wood Science, Forest Resources Management, UBC Pulp and Paper Centre, UBC-Wood Science Department, and Centre for Advanced Wood Processing

Royal Roads University

School of Environment and Sustainability undertakes research to advance capacity building, collaboration and organizational effectiveness, dialogue, environmental protection, pollution mitigation, and resource stewardship.

Simon Fraser University

School of Resource and Environmental Management is part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby. It now has a core of full-time faculty who contribute fully to the tradition of research excellence and provide an integrated program of graduate instruction in resource and environmental management.

Environmental Science - This programme provides a broad education with specialization in one of six areas of emphasis: Biology, Chemistry, Environmetrics, Physical Geography, Pollutant Transport, and Quantitative Techniques for Resource Management.

Thompson River University

Thompson River University Our Forestry Transfer program of study for professional accreditation by the Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals (ABCFP).

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Northern British Columbia: The Forest Ecology and Management degree provides students with a thorough understanding of the science, philosophy, and practice of managing forested ecosystems. Through study and active learning experiences, students obtain a consistent and broad background in coursework that encompasses foundational and integrative topics.

Vancouver Island University

Forest Resources Technology - Diploma program is accredited by the Canadian Technology Accreditation Board.Graduates meet the required standard for membership in the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) as Registered Forest Technologists. Twelve courses in the program are currently recognized by the ABCFP as qualifying toward Registered Professional Forester status.

New Brunswick

Université de Moncton

  • Faculté de foresterie offre un programme de baccalauréat en sciences forestières qui vise à former des étudiants et étudiantes ayant les connaissances, les habiletés et les aptitudes leur permettant de gérer l'environnement forestier dans le cadre global du processus de développement durable.
  • Forêt expérimentale La mission de la forêt expérimentale renferme trois principaux volets: l'éducation, la recherche et la démonstration.

University of New Brunswick

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management


Lakehead University

Faculty of Natural Resource Management is committed to producing high-quality graduates and scientists through student-centred learning and research, to enhancing the management of Canada's forested ecosystems, and to advancing forest science through scientific research to meet the need of society.

University of Toronto

Forest Conservation and Forest Biomaterials Science is a unified body of interdisciplinary, diverse, dedicated and innovative natural, engineering and social scientists. We are on the leading edge of research in forest conservation science, forest ecosystem management, forest governance and policy, biomass utilization for sustainable bio-based materials and chemical products.


Université Laval

Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique - À la Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique, vous trouvez une formation et un milieu de vie ouvert sur le monde, des programmes branchés sur des carrières d'avenir, quelque 32 enseignants qualifiés, une faculté agréable à dimension humaine.

Université du Québec à Montréal

Le Centre d'étude de la forêt (CEF) est un nouveau regroupement universitaire unique au Québec puisqu'il réunit l'expertise scientifique québécoise oeuvrant en forêt. Ceci favorise une vision d'ensemble qui fait le lien entre la compréhension du rôle fonctionnel des organismes et des processus dynamiques dans les écosystèmes forestiers et la conception d'alternatives innovatrices en matière de gestion des forêts (stratégies d'aménagement et pratiques sylvicoles).